
Black Female Teacher with Textbook and Chalkboard


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Thank you for stopping by my page. I'm thrilled to have overcome my fears, self-doubt, and uncertainty and eager to share my journey with others. I believe that by sharing my story, I can help others who are looking for guidance and seeking to learn the value of building connections and relationships. Having gone through my own struggles, I'm committed to supporting those who are looking to cultivate their creativity and pursue their passions. I hope my experiences will motivate and inspire you to uncover your hidden talents, and I look forward to hearing from you. My favorite quote, which I live by, is "Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire" by Jr. Bell, E. (2019).

Illustration of a Book

My Published work

The book "To Teach or Not To Teach?" is a collaborative effort of various educators who candidly share their personal journeys in teaching. The book explores the contentious issue of whether to stay or leave the profession. Through their honest and insightful stories, the educators offer valuable tips and advice on navigating the challenges of teaching. Whether you're a current or aspiring teacher, this book covers it all, providing you with a comprehensive view of the reasons why teachers may choose to stay or leave the classroom.

Purchase Your Copy, TODAY!

As an educator, you will benefit from this book:

  • Gain access to a community of individuals who have overcome challenges
  • Witness firsthand how others have broken through fear, self-doubt, and uncertainty
  • Learn valuable lessons on making a positive impact in a world where guidance is needed
  • Discover the importance of connecting with others and building relationships
  • Gain insights on how to navigate life's obstacles and persevere through challenges

Note To Parents: a book on the controversial topic "To Teach or Not To Teach?" can provide you with valuable insights and tools to navigate sensitive issues and make informed decisions about your child's education.

As a parent, you will benefit from this book:

  • Informed decision-making
  • Improved communication with educators
  • Increased awareness of cultural and societal issues
  • Tools for approaching sensitive topics with children
  • Exposure to diverse perspectives

Purchase Your Copy, TODAY!

Meet Dr Natasha Myla-Evans

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Meet Dr. Natasha Myla Evans, a daughter, sibling, mother, wife, entrepreneur, and inspiring and devoted educator. Dr. Evans is on a mission to positively impact the world of mentorship and empowerment by pouring positivity into others. She believes everyone should be intentional in walking into their God-given purpose.

Dr. Evans supports thousands of elementary-level students and hundreds of educators in her school district and church community. Her passion for increasing engagement and empowering students and adult learners is indescribable. Her philosophy is, "if you want to touch the future, then you must teach our leaders of tomorrow." She speaks at various motivational assemblies, empowerments, and youth events as a professional speaker, using her love of impacting her community.

As an author, Dr. Evans continues to use her story and life experiences as a template for how to be a change agent in the education world. She believes her collaboration book of educators who share their teaching journey will inspire others. She provides positive energy to youths and educators through her creativity, high spirits, and charisma. She is known as the graceful ribbon that flows through any room she steps in, tying it all together seamlessly in a lively and entertaining way.

Dr. Natasha Myla Evans is the author of "To Teach or Not To Teach" and a professional speaker.

Connecting People, Empowering Communities

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Teacher Student Engagement is dedicated to empowering and enhancing independent learning in the classroom. To provide continual support and guidance on how to build positive relationships with scholars and increase student enegagement.

Chalk Positive Quotes

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Chalk Positive Quotes

Exceed With Expectations

The expectations you exceed today are the seeds of new opportunities in the future. Many have failed to connect today's actions with future possibilities. How can we avoid viewing exceeding expectations as a one-time, special event rather than a way of life? Let me remind you about the importance of exceeding expectations. It is a fundamental attitude that we must pursue on a daily basis. Let’s focus on how it is a positive endeavor that is always looking for ways to express oneself.

Teacher Teaching
Cheerful black teacher with diverse schoolkids

Dive Into Your Purpose

Your purpose in life is as unique to you as your fingerprint. Everyone has a particular set of talents, experiences, skill sets, and interests that light them up. When a scholar enters a school without a sense of positive purpose, it is difficult for them to connect their varied learning experiences and other opportunities into a coherent whole that shapes their lives. Without purpose, you may lack a strong reason to learn, challenge yourself, or act appropriately. Let's take a closer look at what purpose means, how to apply missions in the classroom, and how to monitor students.

Teacher-Student Relationship

Is it important for teachers to have a positive relationship with their students? Well, teachers hold the highest regard for students after their parents. A positive teacher-student relationship can be developed by creating a learning environment where students are comfortable discussing what's on their minds. The teacher's response should be delivered in a manner that provides a comfortable and safe space. Let me discuss the importance of a positive relationship between the educator and scholar and the significance of setting the tone in the classroom. Let's focus on tips and suggestions that can be applied in the learning environment, which will form the stepping stone to higher achievement.

Black Male Teacher Helping Elementary School Girl

Are you looking for a speaker who can captivate and educate your audience? Look no further! I am excited to share my insights with your group.

In need of a professional speaker: Click Here To Fill Out Form

Connect with Me

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Teacher Black in the Classroom with Students

Let's stay in touch! You can connect with me through email: teachengagement@gmail.com.

I look forward to hearing from you.